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Need some help participating in an event using GroupMic?

Here you can read full usage guides on how to speak in a GroupMic event.

Joining a GroupMic event

1. Make sure your smartphone is on the same Wifi network as the host.

2. Tap the name of the room you want to join.

2a. If the host sets the event as Public, it should appear along with the name of the event organizer. GroupMic searches for available events/rooms* that are on the same Wifi network. Only Public rooms on your Wifi will appear here.

If the room you're trying to join doesn't appear, tap 'Join Manually' and enter the event name verbatim instead.

*We use the words "events" and "rooms" interchangeably.
2b. If the host sets the event as Private, tap 'Join Private Room', type the name of the GroupMic event and press 'Join Room'.

3. Enter the room PIN given by the host of your event and press 'Join Room'.

GroupMic will come back with an error if:

  • The PIN you entered is incorrect

  • The room doesn't exist 

  • Your name is the same as the GroupMic event you're joining

  • The room has closed

Speaking in a GroupMic event

1. When you'd like to add to the discussion, tap 'Request to Speak'.

The event host will be alerted to your request. Should you wish to cancel it, tap 'Cancel Speak Request'  to cancel the request. Remember that Speak Requests are shown for the host in the order in which they are received - meaning you'll go to the back of the queue if you cancel and request again.

2. Wait for the host to accept your request.

Depending on your position in the queue, it may take some time before the event host gets to your request and accepts you.

3. Press and hold the Speak button, then speak into your smartphone to have your voice played out the event's speakers. Press 'Done' when you're finished and ready to give the next person in the queue a turn to speak.

If you need to move to a different app while you are speaking, just toggle on the Speak button and continue talking. GroupMic will continue to stream audio in the background. 

Be sure to mind the slight delay as your voice travels to the host phone and plays out your venue speakers.

We are aware of latency issues that users have been having. Please bear with us as we work to fix them. 

We have discovered that more modern smartphones have stronger Wifi capabilities and therefore less latency troubles. If you have an smartphone more than 4-5 years old, you may be at a higher risk of encountering latency and echo problems. 

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